Title: Lunch and Language Lessons Author: cheshirejin Characters: Japan/Greece Challenge: Flag Bonus Words: war, colors word count: 300 Rating: G Summary: Greece wants to tell Japan something.
Title: Like, oh my god, the scariest thing to the max Characters:Poland Challenge:Spook Bonus Words:bones, terror, pumpkin Rating: T Summary: Poland is worrying about his friend Lithuania’s wellbeing.
Hello everyone! I apologize it took me so long to get around to making banners this month! This was an insanely close month with the most drabbles ever written (I haven't checked that assertion but it seems that way!)!!! It was close race folks!
Title: Commemoration Characters: Japan Challenge: Anniversary Bonus Words: loss, time Rating: PG Summary: Japan attends the annual commemoration of the bombing at Hiroshima .